========= Changelog ========= Version 1.0 ----------- Version 1.0.0 ************* Version 0.9 ----------- Version 0.9.2 ************* - *CHANGE*: The old CMake policy ``CMP0004``, which was required for some MPI installations, is no longer set. If this is still required: Please contact us. - *CHANGE*: Fortran modules are now installed in ``/lib``, instead of ``/include/modules``. - Feature: Integration tests are only generated if ``CM_ALL_TESTS_INTEGRATION`` is set. - Feature: Example CMake and Make projects for integrating ALL into the build process. - Bug: CMake dependencies between targets and link and include inheritance corrected. - Feature: Add ALL_Tensor feature test. - Bug: VTK fails to include , so we take care of that (for GCC 11 and VTK 9.3.0) - Bug: setVertices was required for printVTKoutlines to output updated vertices. - Feature: Fortran API supports retrieval of error string - Feature: Testing against VTK 7 as well as 9 - Bug: A nested namespace definition was removed, which is only allowed in C++17. Version 0.9.1 ************* - Bug: Wrong gamma calculation for staggered grid. - Bug: No optimal gamma calculation for tensor method. Version 0.9.0 ************* Initial release